Certificate of Musharika
FPM is an Islamic Financial Institution extending Shariah Compliant facilities to its customers. FPM offers best possible return on your investment under Islamic Modes (Certificate of Musharika) at competitive profit rates for different tenures. Our competent and experienced fund managers are fully aware of investors concerns for their investment i.e. to pay them best returns as FPM provides unmatched protection with flexibility and profitability.

Key Features
- Certificate of Musharika is available in a minimum denomination of Rs. 1.00(M) to Rs. 25.00(M).
- Investment in COM (Certificate of Musharika) can be made by NGO’s, Provident & Gratuity Funds, Corporate Sector.
- COM is available for the Tenor from 3-Months, 6-Months, 9-Months, 1-Year, 2-Years and 3-Years.
- Profit payment on maturity/Quarterly or Monthly as desired by the certificate holder.
- Premature encashment facility is available.
- Best possible rates on investment, giving the best value for money invested.